Wondering if you might be bi? Check out this Upworthy article featuring Tavi, Dr. Erika Dawkins, and more.
“First, a hot tip is that the term bisexual (bi) has always been used by some to describe attraction to people of many genders, not just two… Another fun fact: You can also experience romantic and sexual feelings as a spectrum when you identify as bisexual. It doesn’t mean you’re equally attracted to each gender… And let’s be clear that it’s a stereotype (with maybe some biphobia thrown in) that bisexual people are more likely to cheat on a partner or are attracted to everyone all the time. Being bi isn’t a phase, and bi folks are still bi, even if they’re in a long-term monogamous relationship.”
If you’re questioning your sexual orientation, feeling confused or curious, it’s never too late to expand our understanding of who we are! Read the full article for things to consider on your journey: https://upjourney.com/how-to-know-if-you-are-bisexual