You can be true to yourself and express who you are. It really is possible to experience moments of contentment and joy. What living as the real “you” means is different for each of us. You can be in charge of your own process. Imagine working with a therapist who recognizes micro-aggressions and knows what they feel like to experience on a regular basis. Allow yourself to believe that you can learn to better manage gender dysphoria and feel freer as you move through the world.
Our experience includes people all along the gender spectrum. We support transgender adults, youth, and children through social and physical transition. You may want to explore whether medical gender affirmation services are right for you. The informed consent model we use centers you as the expert on your experiences versus placing the therapist as gate-keeper. You may want support in navigating changes in the way the world relates to you as you socially or medically transition. An intersectional approach allows us to explore these experiences.
Types of letters we’ve written at the request of clients include safe travel carry letter; puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, surgery recommendation letter; letter of explanation of gender identity for medical providers, prescription company, an insurer; description of gender identity or expression and educational resources for school administration and counseling offices.
Family and Community Support
We work with family members and gender-expansive children to decide what level of privacy or open expression is desired. We can connect families to support and resources.
As therapists who ourselves are queer, lesbian, pansexual, gay, non-binary, trans, etc. we strive to ensure that all people are treated with dignity. Relatives, partners, friends, and chosen families of Transgender folks can meet with us to assist in processing difficult emotions related to coming out or changes that are occurring.