Relationships can be hard sometimes.
Relationships add meaning and connection to our lives, but let’s be real: they’re hard sometimes. We each bring our own past experiences, trauma histories, beliefs about love, attachment styles, and astrological signs into the mix.
Several of our clinicians offer therapy with couples, polycules and other relationship units, as well as family therapy. You may want to address a sexual issue, an emotional issue, a communication issue, or all of the above!
Infidelity can happen in both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships and present a crisis to resolve. An affirming, trauma informed therapist can help with healing.
Our clinicians offer discernment counseling to those trying to decide whether to continue a relationship or not, or whether to open a relationship or change the dynamics and nature of a relationship. In the case of separation or divorce, therapy can assist in making the process as emotionally healthy and respectful as possible.
We can provide counseling post separation or divorce for an individual we have not seen in couples therapy. Know you are in good hands with a provider who seeks ongoing learning in these areas.

What is Couples Intensive Therapy?
Couples intensives are therapy sessions concentrated into shorter timeframes than typical ongoing couples therapy. Currently we offer them as sessions 3 times per week for 3 consecutive weeks. In the future, we may offer them as weekend intensives.
Intensives address either a crisis or major topic or “stuck point” in your relationship and the time together is dedicated to working on that particular issue or pattern. The focus will be on gaining new skills and strategies to use in making sustainable changes in the relationship. Intensives can lead to faster progress, quick relief, and more hope for possibilities.
Couples who complete intensives often schedule follow up sessions for a month or two out to discuss any barriers and identify progress made.
Intensives are right for people who are really ready to work on things and practice techniques or assignments given. Our intensives are available to couples and to polycules. Our couples therapists have the training and experience to help you reach the goals you have. We cannot guarantee an intensive will “save” your relationship, but we can help you have the most tools possible.
For more information, including cost of the package, please contact us at